
Our impact
You don't have to take our word for it
Here’s what some of our clients have to say about the power of a well-defined visual strategy.
Philip Morris ApS
Morten Johansson
Digital Project Manager

”Det er altid en fornøjelse at arbejde med Insight Communication. Fleksibiliten er høj og den kommercielle forståelse ligeså. Ofte får man mere end man har bedt om og betalt for. Og samtidig er priserne meget konkurrencedygtige. Der er ingen opgave som bureauet ikke kan løfte. Jeg kan klart anbefale Insight Communication som samarbejdspartner, og jeg har selv benyttet dem i over 8 år”

Phillip Morris Nordics
Benafsha Abdulhadi
Brand Manager

“Insight Communication’s USP is without a doubt - ‘SPEED’. Whenever I think that it is impossible to meet a deadline, Claudia and her team makes it happen!Insight really understands our business, our different Nordic markets, our internal processes, regulatory environment and constraints, which makes it so much more easier & enjoyable to work with them. Sometimes I forget that Claudia is not a PMI employee, she is very much a part of our team!If the brief is clear, the delivery from Insight Communication is always spot-on and so FAST”

Christian Asmussen
Managing Director

"Regardless if we are creating a new large OOH campaign, in urgent need of quick updates on our printed materials our support with branding strategies Insight Communication always delivers. With their passion, speed and precision they have been a key part in expanding our business. Thanks to their commitment we are able to work fast and grab new opportunities as they arises."

Working for clients worldwide

BAK Skincare
Sweden, Norway & Finland
Phillip Morris
Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland
United Kingdom
Sweden & Norway
About us

Meaningful and original content.

We work across a large range of design disciplines: from brochures and POS to digital content, websites, corporate identities, trade shows and packaging.
Even though the dynamics have changed, and everything operates at 100 m/s, we still deliver just that; meaningful and original content — based on insights — that truly makes a difference.